15 years of experience and a strong network
Competence through experience and Network.
15 years of experience and a strong network Competence through experience and network. Clint Schöppner is the head behind the newbox medical GmbH. For more than 15 years, Clint Schöppner has spent his professional life in orthopedics. He started as Key Account Manager at Johnson & Johnson for the Ethicon Mitek department. Over the years, the stations have changed. With increasing responsibility the claim to oneself as well as the products and services for the customers grew. “I am particularly happy about my stops abroad”, says Schöppner. His stays abroad included longer stops in Sweden and Switzerland. Over the years, networks have emerged to users and industry partners that are still alive today. Most recently, Clint Schöppner was Sales Director for Wright Medical and responsible for sales to Southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
The new beginning as an Entrepreneur.
“Medical technology is changing,” says Schöppner. “The market demands implants at a manageable cost with a high level of service, and there will be different implant requirements in the future.” Sterile, individually packaged implants are already the focus of demand. “We have been working on a concept for a long time, as we qualitatively high-quality medical technology can offer sterile and cost-effective “, explains Schöppner the approach.
newbox medical focuses on standardized implants. “Thanks to their high efficiency in purchasing and sales, we offer screws and plates at manageable costs.”
Schöppner explains: “It’s like buying a week-end, I buy noodles, rice and other staple foods from the discounter as a commodity.” The special piece of meat or fish, on the other hand, comes from the fresh counter of the specialist retailer The back of the packaging is often a brand manufacturer also produces for the discounter. ”
In sales, Schöppner breaks new ground. “We are increasingly relying on our Internet trading platform Quasi Sales 2.0 Of course, we are also available to our customers by phone and in person.We do not make any sacrifices in terms of service! Our medical device consultants are always there for our customers.”
Please contact us directly. We would also like to convince you of our products and Services.